
Regrettable Decisions

Hindsight is 20/20, here are a few lessons I learned the hard way- from the front lines of a venture studio


1. If users are generating content, assume it's offensive.
How we built and shipped the report flag in 1 hour.

2. If it seems too good to be true, it's bad marketing
How we changed our launch strategy on the big day.

3. If the room is empty, at least make it asynchronous.
Early adopters can't be loners when using a new platform.

4. When importing pallets of VR hardware from overseas, don't DIY.
But if you must, here's what I didn't know, I didn't know.

5. Making copyright protection relevant for todays world. Why we open sourced our license to benefit creators and their fans. 

6. Rejected by apple 4 times in 2 days (x3).
Apple’s app store has lots of nuances, here's what I've learned from the first submission of every product I've been apart of.

7. KYC. Party folks don't value privacy like you.
How to keep users safe, even when they don't want to be safe.

8. If all your friends lose their head, it's not an edge case.
As VR newbies, here's how we balanced discovery with delivery while staying on schedule.

9. If your cold email is flawless, it still smells like spam.
How to avoid throwaway domains after your first email drip campaign.

10. Installing Grindr on a work device

Uncomfortable but necessary moments of competitive research.



* These are the summaries, links will be added as the blog posts are published ¯\_(ツ)_/¯