

CryptoKitties - Developurrr Program



Goal: Help the first billion people use the blockchain. 

CryptoKitties are collectible and breedable digital cats. It’s the world’s first game built on the Ethereum network, and we believe cats are a great way to introduce people to something as complicated as the blockchain.

The Role: Give the cats a KittyVerse of experiences.

Products built on the blockchain are inherently extensible, anyone can see what transactions are taking place and set up listeners or triggers for 3rd party experiences. CryptoKitties had a few 3rd party tools and games after launching in Nov 2017, but we decided to formally support these developers in August 2018. We built a public API with documentation and set up programs for developers and entrepreneurs to get formal support or visit us on site for workshops and funding. I am responsible for creating these programs, iterating on our API and engaging with the community so all these tools are used and improved. We now plan to promote these 3rd party games and experiences to our player base, creating an entire universe for their cats. From KittyRaces, KittyBattles, KittyTinder, or entire social networks built with these tokens, we want mainstream consumers to understand how to use the blockchain when it eventually replaces our current systems.